Month: September 2021

Josh Khankhanian at Moongazer for The Positive Fantastic

Regeneration with Hugels

“Regeneration with Hugels” is a subject near and dear to my heart. In this special Fall Equinox edition of “The Positive Fantastic” podcast, I interview integrated cannabis and vegetable farmer Josh Khankhanian about using hugelkultur in regenerative agriculture. Josh has that twinkle in his eye when he talks about his farm and gardens. In all…
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Tirza Dawn yoga teacher on The Positive Fantastic

This is Yoga

I teamed up with my yoga teacher, Tirza Dawn, to share about the more esoteric practices of yoga in “This Is Yoga,” episode 21 of “The Positive Fantastic” podcast. I came to yoga as a teenager, but was always very shy about practicing because I am more intellectually intelligent than kinesthetically able-bodied.  As a fully…
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Dorothy Mandel and Heart Synchrony on The Positive Fantastic

Heart Synchrony

Episode 20 of “The Positive Fantastic” is all about Heart Synchrony! Dorothy Mandel conducted her PhD research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Her dissertation explored how we are connected through our hearts. In this episode Dorothy shares with me what she discovered on her academic journey and the implications for how we can all…
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