Month: May 2022

Reclaim Your Voice with Lauren Arrow

Reclaim Your Voice

Singer/songwriter Lauren Arrow helps people who struggle with singing to “Reclaim Your Voice.” Lauren Arrow has devoted herself to assisting the shy singers among us in their personal, musical reclamations. In Season 2, episode 13, we’re celebrating the new moon with the release of Lauren’s interview for “The Positive Fantastic” podcast. This Northern California singer/songwriter…
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Bird Nest in the Outhouse

A Bird Nest in the Outhouse

Before I left for my recent trip to Hawaii, I found a bird nest in my outhouse. Because I believe on principle that it is a poor practice to poo in the water cycle, I make my daily constitutional into a hole. So, when I found the nest, empty, but built in a precarious area,…
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Jen Dalton Friendships

Trauma Informed Friendships

Jenny Dalton and I recently sat down for an author chat in her home in the hills of Ukiah to discuss trauma informed friendships for “The Positive Fantastic” podcast. Jenny (or Jen for short) Dalton, is the author “Of Butterflies and Bullies.” Driving up into the Ukiah hills to meet with Jen, I knew that…
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