Month: June 2022

Meir Schneider School of Self Healing

School For Self Healing

Meir Schneider developed his School For Self Healing in San Francisco, where he has been helping people to heal themselves from a wide range of difficult conditions. He is an internationally acclaimed self-help author and educator that I am grateful for the privilege to interview on “The Positive Fantastic” podcast. I first encountered Meir Schneider’s writing…
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Engaging with Life with Michelle Vesser

Engaging with Life

Michelle Vesser helps people on their journeys, engaging with life in such a nourishing way. She’s a wise woman of the woods who I have always experienced as truly willing to wade into the deepest waters of consciousness.  Michelle has spent her life cultivating a relationship tending the landscapes both inside of us and all…
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Luna Heart of Health

Heart of Health

Luna Hart inspires me & she shares her inspiring story in Season 2’s episode “Heart of Health.” She has been on a truly wild journey throughout her adulthood to reclaim her health from adolescent injuries to her immune system. I had her as a guest on “The Positive Fantastic” podcast so that she could share…
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