Assemblage: Creating a Living Canvas

Assemblage: Creating a Living Canvas

Esther Siegel Assemblage

“Assemblage: Creating a Living Canvas” is the final episode of Season 2 of my podcast. For the Winter Solstice edition of “The Positive Fantastic” podcast, I’m staying super local and interviewing a friend of mine here in Redwood Valley, California. Esther Siegel and I have known each other in many different ways, and several of those intersections made it into our interview.

I reached out to Esther recently about joining me on the podcast because she and her husband Spencer Brewer just released a book of Assemblage art, focusing on some of the phenomenal artists here in Northern California. Their self-published work “Lost and Found, Assemblage Artists of Northern California” showcases the works and lives of several phenomenal artists in our West Coast world.

Esther Siegel and her husband Spencer Brewer

Assemblage art is all about bringing together different parts to create a unified artistic whole. Imagine three dimensional collage or very adventurous mosaic making. And, in fine form, art followed life, and the podcast became a bit of a metaphoric assemblage of Esther’s life narrative, spinning her diverse interests into this one episode.

From her love of horses, through her years as a psychotherapist, and into her studio where she combines multimedia forms to create her art, this podcast is an assemblage of Esther and how her life has been a living canvas of her unfolding journey on this planet. Even the opening song for this podcast is part of the assemblage of Esther! It’s an original piece by Spencer, who is a professional pianist, that he composed in homage to his wife that he calls “Estrella.”

Spencer Brewer’s “Estrella”

I hope that you’ll take a listen to this episode to round out Season 2 of “The Positive Fantastic” podcast. And, be sure to check out the link above to see more about the “Lost and Found” art book that Esther released earlier this year. Cheers, and may your journeying be fantastic!