Cannabis Connection in Santa Cruz

Cannabis Connection in Santa Cruz

Cannabis Connections Show at KSCO with Mori Natura Author

Returning to my Alma Mater Adult Playground

I’m loving all the cannabis connections that I’m making since my book came out. This past weekend I headed South to bask in the glory of a much needed vacation. I went to the Pacific Ocean with dear friends in my adult stomping grounds of Santa Cruz. I graduated from UCSC (The University of California at Santa Cruz) with my Bachelor’s degree in 2005; and I have always had a soft spot for the area because it reminds me of a time when I was free to explore the world to my heart’s content. Every visit seems to hold some magic for me. This particular adventure came at the end of my book launch tour. As far as timing goes, I could not have been more pleased to let loose! After many months of actively promoting and launching my debut novel, “Wildfire Weeds,” I rejoiced for a fun trip! Whales spouted, sandy beaches called, and I also finally delivered my novel to Bookshop Santa Cruz.

Radio Serendipity

I had hardly dropped into exploring the town when I got a message on my facebook author page from a programmer at KSCO who had heard about my cannabis featured novel from the Mendocino Appellations Project & wanted to have me on his show, “The Cannabis Connection.” For those of you who don’t know, there are Appellations Projects sprouting up all over the cannabis growing world to honor the terroir of different places, not unlike in the wine-making industry. Here in Mendocino County they are creating a map which identifies the different growing regions and helps foster a boutique niche for those transitioning from renegade farming in the past to permitted grows which distribute to dispensaries in the present.

Joining the Cannabis Connection

Christopher Carr of KSCO had seen a post that the Mendocino Appellations Project had shared on facebook about my book launch. He just happened to get ahold of me when I was visiting his city! We met up to share books and flowers on Pacific Avenue downtown. I revel in the spontaneous synchronicity that has always been part of my Santa Cruz narrative. I am excited to join Christopher next month on his show on November 8th from 8-9pm. We’ll be discussing more about the transformation of the cannabis culture and industry here in Northern California.

UPDATE: To listen to the show that aired on the radio waves Fall 2019, listen here.