Category: Author

Urban Homesteading Author Rachel Kaplan

Urban Homesteading

Author Rachel Kaplan wrote a book about Urban Homesteading, and I couldn’t resist sitting down with her for “The Positive Fantastic” to discuss her literary contribution to the sustainability movement. When I first arrived at Rachel’s place, the view on high of Sonoma County’s hillsides made me pause to catch my breath. With that stunning…
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The Great Silk Run

Silk Run

I wrote up this blog post for Chickfly about the Great Silk Run, and how two of the runners were sponsored by Chickfly with pants and shorts. It inspired me so much that I decided to share it here! Some of you may recall the “Join the Pants Revolution” podcast episode that I did with…
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Auntie Thyme Post Partum Doula

Auntie Thyme

I’ve been staying in Oakland, helping welcome a new baby into the world –taking on the role of Auntie Thyme, herbalist postpartum doula. Newborns are remarkable bodhisattvas & this babe had already won my heart in utero for his amazing choice of mother. Now it’s a full on love fest as I smell the oxytocin…
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Tomato Hope in the rubble clifi


I titled this photo “Hope” after I came across this scene this week. For the last several months I have passed by a burn site. The building were the fire happened is/was adjacent to the natural foods store in my town & so, somewhere I frequent with regularity. As the days turned into weeks turned…
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NaNoWriMo ecofiction author


ou’re a writer, you’ve probably heard of NaNoWriMo. If not, you probably have no idea what this acronym means. It stands for National Novel Writing Month, and although it’s a mouthful, it’s fun to say if you try it a few times. And it just so happens that November is upon us and the writers are going to be going at it full force for the next month!



This morning I got to look three little foxy kits in the eye. They were crossing from one blackberry thicket to another. The goats & I all paused for their passage. There’s something viscerally satisfying about being in the unexpected company of the wild –these spontaneous meetings are as close to church as I ever…
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Little Free Library with Wildfire Weeds copy

Little Free Library

For the past several months, I decided that I needed to dive into the little free library world. Libraries in general are some of my favorite places to be, and I got excited about exploring the different library designs. I have every intention of building my own little free library some day soon, and so…
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Sailing Lino Cut

Lino-cut Art

I commissioned my dear artist friend Rose Easterbrook to design a Lino-cut art print for me. The gorgeous image that she designed helps give a sneak peak into my upcoming novel trilogy series. The books all take place on or near the ocean, and the feeling that I wanted to evoke was the excitement of…
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Friends with "Wildfire Woods"

First Cannabis Farmer’s Market

I heard a rumor about the first cannabis farmer’s market happening in Laytonville. I contacted my dear friend Amber O’Neill, who I interviewed for “The Positive Fantastic” podcast in the episode “Another Day in Paradise.” She confirmed that Happy Day Farms would be part of the event, and I decided to make the trek up…
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Climate Fiction (Cli-Fi)

Author Identity I’m a climate fiction (or cli-fi for short) author. I was at Harbin Hot Springs, visiting with friends this past summer. In the course of our conversation, it came out that I had just finished writing my first novel. I described my book and also my next writing projects. My friends replied that…
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