Category: Author

Friends with "Wildfire Woods"

First Cannabis Farmer’s Market

I heard a rumor about the first cannabis farmer’s market happening in Laytonville. I contacted my dear friend Amber O’Neill, who I interviewed for “The Positive Fantastic” podcast in the episode “Another Day in Paradise.” She confirmed that Happy Day Farms would be part of the event, and I decided to make the trek up…
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Climate Fiction (Cli-Fi)

Author Identity I’m a climate fiction (or cli-fi for short) author. I was at Harbin Hot Springs, visiting with friends this past summer. In the course of our conversation, it came out that I had just finished writing my first novel. I described my book and also my next writing projects. My friends replied that…
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Wildfire Weeds has arrived!

My debut novel, “Wildfire Weeds” has arrived! The first copies are here! I’m so pleased to announce that my book has been self-published and the print shop sent me a box of books today! There are many more on their way, getting ready for the formal book launch on September 1st! This really represents so…
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“Wildfire Weeds” on

Today I launched my self publishing campaign on Kickstarter! “Wildfire Weeds” is my debut fiction novel, and I’m offering it pre-sale on to crowdfund to cover the costs of producing the book. Check out my project and support me making my dreams come true. If you donate $20 (plus shipping) you will receive a…
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We Moon 2019 Fanning the Flame author Mori Natura

“Home Fires Burn”

Imagine my surprise when the first poem that I get published is called “Home Fires Burn.” I wrote this poem before my house burned down, but found out I was going to be a published author after the wildfire. I’m grateful that so much of my work is about fire right now. I believe right…
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