Category: Book Tour

Little Free Library with Wildfire Weeds copy

Little Free Library

For the past several months, I decided that I needed to dive into the little free library world. Libraries in general are some of my favorite places to be, and I got excited about exploring the different library designs. I have every intention of building my own little free library some day soon, and so…
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books at craft fair booth

Wildfire Weeds Craft Fair

Having a Booth at the Willits Holiday Craft Fair Because I wrote a “Wildfire Weeds” about locally relevant material, I have been entertaining the idea of attending a holiday craft fair to both visit our local holiday market and continue to let the world know that I am a writer. I settled on a fair…
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Harvest Guild Dinner poster - Mori Natura author booth

Harvest Guild Dinner

Inland Mendocino County Herb Guild I’m so happy to be a vendor with my herbal buddies at the Harvest Guild Dinner this weekend. Celebrating herbalists in inland Mendocino County, the event will be focused on raising funds to sustain the Inland Mendocino County Herb Guild for 2020. A delicious local dinner will be prepared, featuring…
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Wildfire Weeds on bookshelf at Copperfield's

Copperfield’s Books Meet and Greet

Meet and Greet Saturday October 12th from 12 noon until 2 pm I will be in house at the Copperfield’s Bookstore Sebastopol location to have an author meet and greet: I hope you’ll join me for my Copperfield’s Books meet and greet! I’ll be hanging out to sign copies of my debut novel “Wildfire Weeds,”…
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KZYX Radio

KZYX interview of my author event at the Mendocino Book Company in Ukiah in October 2019

Wildfire Weeds has arrived!

My debut novel, “Wildfire Weeds” has arrived! The first copies are here! I’m so pleased to announce that my book has been self-published and the print shop sent me a box of books today! There are many more on their way, getting ready for the formal book launch on September 1st! This really represents so…
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