Category: Herbalism


MASHH Clinic Collective leader Greta de la Montagne

Alternatives to Round Up

Alternatives to Roundup

Greetings dear ones, I’m sharing some information today about possible safe alternatives to Roundup. I was contacted by Nicole Vasconez at Drug Watch who thought that this information might appeal to my reader base. In going with the theme of “The Positive Fantastic,” where I like to bring good news forth, I’m offering up this…
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Northern California Women's Herbal Symposium logo

Northern California Women’s Herbal Symposium

My guest today, Terri Jensen, was an instrumental woman in creating the Northern California Women’s Herbal Symposium. If you have been playing along and listening to the other episodes on this podcast for the last year and a half, then you know that the herbal symposium is some kind of personal vortex of goodness for…
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Josh Khankhanian at Moongazer for The Positive Fantastic

Regeneration with Hugels

“Regeneration with Hugels” is a subject near and dear to my heart. In this special Fall Equinox edition of “The Positive Fantastic” podcast, I interview integrated cannabis and vegetable farmer Josh Khankhanian about using hugelkultur in regenerative agriculture. Josh has that twinkle in his eye when he talks about his farm and gardens. In all…
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Keoma McCaffrey drinking tea for The Positive Fantastic

Herbal Connections, Yo

In the 17th episode, “Herbal Connections, Yo” of the Positive Fantastic podcast I interviewed my dear friend and amazing herbalist Keoma McCaffrey. Keoma and I met in herb school, and immediately became close friends. Every time we went to herb school, she blew my mind with what she had created. She wasn’t just an amazing…
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Wendy Read - guest on The Positive Fantastic

Magical Marijuana

Wendy Read of The Caretaker’s Garden Healing Sanctuary and Apothecary in Boonville, California

Author Mori Natura photo - ecofiction, blog

Living My Dreams of Being an Author

As I’m living my dreams these days of being an author, I’m learning to embrace the transitions in my life more –loving up the spaces in between yesterday and tomorrow, and reveling in what navigating today’s unfolding beauty feels like, looks like, and flows like… This week I am sick and mostly operating from the…
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Harvest Guild Dinner poster - Mori Natura author booth

Harvest Guild Dinner

Inland Mendocino County Herb Guild I’m so happy to be a vendor with my herbal buddies at the Harvest Guild Dinner this weekend. Celebrating herbalists in inland Mendocino County, the event will be focused on raising funds to sustain the Inland Mendocino County Herb Guild for 2020. A delicious local dinner will be prepared, featuring…
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