Category: Homesteading

Urban Homesteading Author Rachel Kaplan

Urban Homesteading

Author Rachel Kaplan wrote a book about Urban Homesteading, and I couldn’t resist sitting down with her for “The Positive Fantastic” to discuss her literary contribution to the sustainability movement. When I first arrived at Rachel’s place, the view on high of Sonoma County’s hillsides made me pause to catch my breath. With that stunning…
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Alternatives to Round Up

Alternatives to Roundup

Greetings dear ones, I’m sharing some information today about possible safe alternatives to Roundup. I was contacted by Nicole Vasconez at Drug Watch who thought that this information might appeal to my reader base. In going with the theme of “The Positive Fantastic,” where I like to bring good news forth, I’m offering up this…
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Bird Nest in the Outhouse

A Bird Nest in the Outhouse

Before I left for my recent trip to Hawaii, I found a bird nest in my outhouse. Because I believe on principle that it is a poor practice to poo in the water cycle, I make my daily constitutional into a hole. So, when I found the nest, empty, but built in a precarious area,…
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This morning I got to look three little foxy kits in the eye. They were crossing from one blackberry thicket to another. The goats & I all paused for their passage. There’s something viscerally satisfying about being in the unexpected company of the wild –these spontaneous meetings are as close to church as I ever…
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