Category: Podcast


MASHH Clinic Collective leader Greta de la Montagne

Urban Homesteading Author Rachel Kaplan

Urban Homesteading

Author Rachel Kaplan wrote a book about Urban Homesteading, and I couldn’t resist sitting down with her for “The Positive Fantastic” to discuss her literary contribution to the sustainability movement. When I first arrived at Rachel’s place, the view on high of Sonoma County’s hillsides made me pause to catch my breath. With that stunning…
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Sir Cobalot

Sir Cobalot

I sat down with Miguel Elliot, also know for his “acoblishments” as Sir Cobalot on “The Positive Fantastic” podcast. Miguel has found satisfaction in natural building since he was a kid. For my own part, when I was a little girl, I remember hearing that my great aunt Jean McCord and her partner Phyllis had…
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Stephane Descriptive Inquiry

Descriptive Inquiry

In this second episode of the 4th season, I interviewed my friend Stephane Barile about her role with the Institute on Descriptive Inquiry. In their own words, the Institute “uses group process to describe, look closely at, and reflect upon student and teacher work in order to enhance teacher and school practice.”  Stephane and I…
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Hera Has a Heart

Hera Has a Heart

In the first episode of the 4th season of “The Positive Fantastic” podcast, I interviewed Jessi Lea, known musically for her offering “Hera Has a Heart.” We talked about her life as a musician, an artist, and a cat lover. You might even hear her cat Tina Fey meowing in the background during the episode. …
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Mendo Lake Food Hub Logo

The Food Hub

The Mendo Lake Food Hub is a network that connects farmers and the goods they produce with grateful consumers who want to partake in fresh, local, and nutritious food. In the final episode of the 3rd season of “The Positive Fantastic” podcast, I interviewed Haerah Baird, the Program Manager for NCO’s Mendo Lake Food Hub.…
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Art Salon with Gaetan Caron

Art Salon

In the episode “Art Salon,” on “The Positive Fantastic” podcast, I interviewed my friend Gaetan Caron about his life as an artist, an art collector, and founder of the Lost Art Salon in San Francisco, California.  For me, having this podcast has been fascinating as the tapestry of connections intertwines and weaves itself over the…
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Medicine Basket gathering altar

Medicine Basket

For the last six years, I’ve been going to a gathering that is near and dear to my heart called Medicine Basket. Medicine Basket was started by Gwen Jensen, whom I interviewed about her Kundalini Awakening in Season 1’s episode “Navigating Kundalini.” We’ve been wanting to do a part two follow-up to that initial podcast,…
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Molly Rinaldi Going Flat

Going Flat

To close out Breast Cancer awareness month, I interviewed my friend Molly Rinaldi about her process of going flat after her double mastectomy. Season 3, episode 10 of “The Positive Fantastic” podcast is a vulnerable look at how Molly’s journey with cancer impacted her life, and how she wants to support others in getting the…
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Happy Brain monkey logo

Happy Brain

My guest on “Happy Brain” (episode 8 of Season 3 of The Positive Fantastic podcast) is Loretta Breuning, founder of the Inner Mammal Institute. She has spent the last decade really looking at the ways that our brains are wired. She’s created a podcast of her own to help support folks on their journeys to…
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