Category: Podcast

The Real Sarahs

The Real Sarahs

My next guests on “The Positive Fantastic” podcast are Sarah Ryan and Sarah songbird, the two talented vocalists who make up The Real Sarahs duet. These two women are long time friends who I have had the privilege of hearing perform their musical sweetness many times in formal and informal settings.  These two discuss how…
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Jamie Della A Magickal Life

A Magickal Life

I am very pleased to present the “A Magickal Life” interview with my fellow author, Jamie Della. Although I have known Jamie as an acquaintance for many years, it wasn’t until she invited me up to her place in the woods near Willits to visit and prepare for the podcast that we really and truly…
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Inextricably Intertwined with Meghan Walla-Murphy

Inextricably Intertwined

Meeting Meghan Walla-Murphy completely changed the way I do my reality: I believe firmly that we are inextricably intertwined, and Meghan has spent her life showing just how true our interconnections are. We connected over the ancient art of tracking, and until I joined her in a group of women, all intent on learning how…
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Sovereignty By Design with Maggie Ostara

Sovereignty By Design

I invited Maggie Ostara to “The Positive Fantastic” podcast because she has fantastic offerings for individuals on the path with her work, Sovereignty by Design. She helps people to find ways to maximize their potential by supporting them in understanding their innate gifts.  Using the Human Design System, Maggie explores the ways that people are…
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Community Therapy with Kellyfish

Community Therapy

My guest on “The Positive Fantastic” Fall Equinox edition is one of my favorite human’s on planet Earth. Kelly McRee splits her time each year, enjoying a nomadic existence that I marvel at and hope to emulate at least once in my lifetime, by following Kelly around to have adventures in this wide world of…
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Feather Spirit Full Woman

Spirit Full Woman

I’m really excited about sharing this interview with Feather, “The Spirit Full Woman,” with you; both because I feel confident that some of you are going to want to hear what is shared here, and also because I am currently on a journey to becoming a more embodied woman myself, and so the subject matter…
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Gloria Home Birth For Every Body

Home Birth For Every Body

I’m turning 39 today, and I’m having a special birthday edition podcast called “Home Birth For Every Body.” In honor of the miracle of birth and birth work, my guest for this birth-centered podcast is Gloria Gonzales Campise, who, in addition to being a long time friend, sister, and ally in support of all things…
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Northern California Women's Herbal Symposium logo

Northern California Women’s Herbal Symposium

My guest today, Terri Jensen, was an instrumental woman in creating the Northern California Women’s Herbal Symposium. If you have been playing along and listening to the other episodes on this podcast for the last year and a half, then you know that the herbal symposium is some kind of personal vortex of goodness for…
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Alyra Rose Musical Alchemy

Musical Alchemy

Alyra Rose has been experimenting in the free range sonic playground of musical alchemy since she was a little girl. Whether she’s bringing spoken word poetry to musicality or looping sound over sung verses, she’s always brewing up some amazing lyricism to support us all becoming more embodied, whole humans. I was able to sing…
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The Chicktionary book cover

The Chicktionary

Today’s interview is about how two radical women authors have created something fantastic to turn the patriarchy on its head: we’re presenting “The Chicktionary” episode about “Mama’s First Pocket Chicktionary (taking the dick out of the dictionary).” Kym Trippsmith and Sherry Glaser took their amazing abilities with word weaving play and created a feminist linguistic…
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