Community Therapy

Community Therapy

Community Therapy with Kellyfish

My guest on “The Positive Fantastic” Fall Equinox edition is one of my favorite human’s on planet Earth. Kelly McRee splits her time each year, enjoying a nomadic existence that I marvel at and hope to emulate at least once in my lifetime, by following Kelly around to have adventures in this wide world of wonder. I do however manage to fit in at least a couple visits to Kelly every summer where she lives to the North of me, basking in the glory of Mount Shasta, very near the famed Pacific Crest Trail. 

While the sun is warm, Kelly is around NorCal. But, when it starts to get too cold to swim outdoors, up in the sweet waters of alpine lakes and rivers, you can find Kelly heading South to sail the salty seas and oceans and swimming like a veritable fish! And on several of her recent trips to more tropical climes, Kelly started to learn about aquatic bodywork, and she took to the modalities like a fish to water. 

Aquatic play is Kelly’s jam. And in all her glory as Kellyfish, she’ll be hosting an Aquatic Healing Retreat at Summerlake Hot Springs in Southeastern Oregon Oct 23rd to the 27th of 2022.

Kelly giving an Aguahara session

I had the extreme pleasure of attending her first retreat at Summerlake earlier this year, and we were welcomed by pure magick! We enjoyed learning to float each other. And, we explored an aquatic version of contact improv dancing in the warm spring water —if you haven’t done that yet in your life, it’s time to add it to your bucket list now. Every afternoon we also practiced restorative and intuitive yoga on a deck with a big sky view of the summer lake bed. 

We decided to call this episode “Community Therapy” because Kelly lived through a very difficult experience, and it was through the support of her community that she was able to transmute that grief into healing. Also, finding the aquatic bodywork and dolphin dancing communities were incredibly well timed additions to her tool kit, and provided her another circle of people to connect with —a group who ultimately helped her become more of her authentic self. 


I hope you’ll enjoy listening as Kelly shares about the ways that she healed through her hardships —there’s things that may make you cry, and there’s definitely stories that will make you laugh, and there’s all of it coming to you from Kelly’s open, caring heart. 

Kelly with “The Fish”

Spoiler alert: the stories about “Familiar” and “The Fish” are unexpected and extremely entertaining bizarre additions to this episode.

Kelly with “Familiar”

You can tune into our episode, “Community Therapy,” and you can also visit Kelly’s website to see what magic she is up to yourself.