Feed The People

Feed The People

Robin Burnside in Big Sur on The Positive Fantastic

“Feed The People” is the third episode in season two of “The Positive Fantastic” podcast. My friend Robin Burnside is a woman who was devoted her life to culinary arts. Everywhere she goes, she leaves happy, nourished people in her wake. Join us as we take a dive into the deep waters of Robin’s abiding love of the craft and art of healthy food preparation.

Winding up a driveway overlooking the Pacific Ocean, Robin Burnside lives tucked into the scenic cliffs of California’s Big Sur coast. From Robin’s kitchen, you can see all the way down to the ocean below, and she likes to assess how the surf is from her view on high.

A certifiable mermaid, Robin has been bodysurfing since she was a wee one, and continues to get out on the open ocean with friends and family to pursue her lifelong passion of connecting with the water. 

On the visit that we were to record this podcast, we met at a beach, and immediately, I mean instantaneous with our first feet getting onto the sand, we spotted a pod of dolphins bodysurfing in the waves offshore. Spinning this way and that, leaping up, and gliding across the open back of the wall of water with absolute grace, we stood transfixed by the beauty that presented itself. 

Several years ago, when Robin’s beloved passed away during their annual surf season in Baja Mexico, she asked some friends to come down and make some fresh and fun memories with her the following year. I happily obliged, driving down the Baja California peninsula with my then girlfriend in an epic van tour. As soon as we arrived at the coastal palapa that Robin had helped build and where we were all staying for the duration of our visit together, we saw grey whales breaching in the distance. For a week, anytime of day, we could see whales frolicking. 

So, whether or not Robin attracts the aquatic mammals or she just knows the right places to be, I feel honored to be a friend to such a magical woman of the waters. I’ve only had the privilege of living at the ocean on my travels, but I feel strongly that Robin is very wise to situate herself so close to Mama Ocean.

This episode is actually more about Robin’s culinary interests. Robin’s spent much of her life helping to feed people well. The thing is, while I know that Robin eats well —our motto during our camp out in Baja was literally “no bad meals” —I’m all about double entendres and I also happen to know that Robin is deeply fed by her love and proximity to the ocean.

We’re going to explore Robin’s adventures in culinary catering from restaurants to rock music festivals, nourishing family and friends to serving it up for her local monks down the road in Big Sur. As someone who has clocked my fair share of hours in the kitchen, I wanted to honor an amazing chef, a wise woman, and a dear elder friend who has created a really fantastic life, teeming with positive adventures. 

You’re really going to want to check out my channel on YouTube to see a video of Robin’s Avocado Chocolate Mousse recipe that I had the pleasure of enjoying while recording this podcast

Robin’s book “The Homesteader’s Kitchen” is available around Big Sur’s shops, as well as online at Amazon. Special appreciation to Copperwoman, who is a long time friend of myself and Robin, for her song “Bless this food” which provides the musical introduction at beginning of this episode and “Mama Ocean” which closes out the episode.

Feed the people! Cheers and may your all your meals be nourishing to your body, mind, and soul.