Health Education For Everyone

Health Education For Everyone

DeAnna GuaSha The Positive Fantastic

DeAnna Batdorff, founder of the Dhyana Center in Sebastopol, joined “The Positive Fantastic” podcast for episode seven, “Health Education For Everyone.” We discussed Batdorf’s decades-long devotional practice of bringing healing and health care modalities to Northern California.

Batdorff has created a thriving center that offers treatments, classes, products, and a spa in downtown Sebastopol to her community. The Dhyana center provides excellent care and education about health which is available to everyone from all walks of life and diverse backgrounds. Check out this blog post from the Dhyana Center about our episode together.

She described the way that the elements impact all of our body systems, and the effort to make health care accessible to every one with a body. DeAnna embraces the teachings of many different traditions while acknowledging that the universal common denominator is our beloved body. Batdorff offers many classes to help students learn about their own bodies and also to become practitioners in aromatherapeutic techniques, bodywork modalities, and Ayurveda.

The Dhyana center space additionally has become a fixture in downtown Sebastopol as a venue for performing arts and creative expression. I’ve enjoyed many concerts, dances, yoga classes, and spoken word pieces at the center. I completed my yoga teacher training program through the Dhyana Center and believe that education has impacted my life in a most meaningful way; I am absolutely more embodied because of my time spent at the Dhyana center.

I recommend both DeAnna’s teachings and the Dhyana center with my highest regard. As you will see in the interview, DeAnna is a wise, humble, and eclectic woman. Also, DeAnna has been doing lymphatic clinics, teaching people how to navigate the bodies tissues in the chest and breast area for many years. Check out our PSA towards the end of this episode for more information about self massage using the gua sha tool to keep the body’s lymph flowing and healthy.

May this peek into the world of the dyhana center and DeAnna’s beautiful offerings support your health and your healing today.