Heart of Health

Luna Hart inspires me & she shares her inspiring story in Season 2’s episode “Heart of Health.” She has been on a truly wild journey throughout her adulthood to reclaim her health from adolescent injuries to her immune system. I had her as a guest on “The Positive Fantastic” podcast so that she could share about the amazing ways that illth can be diagnosed and then treated with holistic health approaches.
She’s taken her obstacles and difficulties and overcome them to deliver herself into vibrant, radiant health. Not only that, but she’s made it her life’s work to support other people in healing themselves so that they can be thriving and healthy too.
I arrived at an office that Luna uses from time to time at a place called “The Muse” in Willits, California to record this podcast. She made chia pudding that we enjoyed while we visited and got caught up on how Luna is crafting her career to help folks navigate obscure health issues.
Officially, Luna is certified as a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner or a FDNP for short. And she takes both her formal studies and her own life experience into account to be able to be a guide for individuals with a variety of ailments that modern medicine has failed in order to heal. In particular, she’s excited to work with folks who are willing to bring their healing to the top of their priorities, to dive in fully.
We met in various fermentation capacities over the years being Mendocino County based teachers. We both have been able to credit ferments with a strong role in our respective healing processes.
Luna calls her business “Hart of Health” as a play on her last name. In this episode that we decided to call “Heart of Health” Luna shares about her own back story and the many different debilitating conditions that she has been able to heal in her own body.
Even with all the weird and toxic ways that this world can create disease, I never cease to be amazed by the miraculous and the power of healing that can be possible when we tune in, make a commitment to health, and give it everything we’ve got. I think Luna’s story is a message of such fantastic wonders, and I’m happy to share it with you on the podcast today.
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