Matriarchal Gift Economy of the Ancient Future

Matriarchal Gift Economy of the Ancient Future

Yeshe Matriarchal Priestess

For the Spring Equinox, I’m offering a special edition episode “Matriarchal Gift Economy of the Ancient Future” for “The Positive Fantastic” with Priestess Yeshe Matthews.

Yeshe Matthews is a modern day witch, drawing on countless traditional witchy practices to uplift and support us all living our lives with the strength and conviction we need to thrive.

She is a Priestess of the Tsogyal Lhamo Drayang Ling, the Mt Shasta Goddess Temple in Dunsmuir, CA. She is a dharma practitioner and a licensed minister, ordained and initiated in several different mystery traditions. The Temple serves Mt Shasta spiritual pilgrims and worldwide Goddess enthusiasts with online and in-person divinations, classes, ceremonies, and retreats. 

Yeshe has dedicated her life to female mysteries, sacred healing practices and the ways of the Goddess, with ongoing study and practice in Tibetan Buddhism, Siberian/Mongolian Shamanism, Ifa, Mayan Cosmology, herbal healing, and Dianic Goddess Spirituality. With a Master’s degree in Women’s History from Sarah Lawrence College in New York, she has studied women’s mysticism, shamanism, and matriarchal communities for over twenty years.

She leads classes, workshops, and otherwise spreads the knowledge and practice of embodied spirituality around the world. In addition to her decades long practice of the tarot, Yeshe shares a live daily practice in devotion to Kuan Yin online, and she has a brick and mortar spirit shop with an adjacent outdoor garden and altar space devoted to Kuan Yin. To see a video of her chanting Om Mane Padme Hum, you can visit my YouTube channel.

And, she has created an app to foster conscious social networking called the Goddess Temple App. You can find the “Goddess Temple App” on any device’s app store.

I tagged along with Yeshe on a trip to Arizona to see some marvelous crystals and record this podcast about the Matriarchal gift economy of the ancient futures. I hope you’ll enjoy listening to our dialogue. 

You can check out the Mt Shasta Goddess Temple. You can visit The Sacred Well. And you can learn more about Yeshe Matthews as a Priestess.

You can also follow Yeshe Matthews on her social media pages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok