Medicine Basket

Medicine Basket

Medicine Basket gathering altar

For the last six years, I’ve been going to a gathering that is near and dear to my heart called Medicine Basket. Medicine Basket was started by Gwen Jensen, whom I interviewed about her Kundalini Awakening in Season 1’s episode “Navigating Kundalini.” We’ve been wanting to do a part two follow-up to that initial podcast, and we finally sat down recently to talk about the kundalini practice field that we have been cultivating at Medicine Basket! So, you can consider this the long-awaited Part 2 to Navigating Kundalini!

About a dozen years ago, Gwen had a kundalini awakening that completely transformed her life. To support her own journey, she started a weekly group in Sebastopol, California called Kundalini Song. Then, she started facilitating weekends to retreat locations with a handful of individuals to embody more of the kundalini energetics. Finally, she created a larger container for gathering lots of folks from all over and she named it Medicine Basket.

This podcast episode is short and sweet. It’s straddling worlds between a really thorough PSA or public service announcement and an actual podcast. We kept it brief intentionally so that busy folks who are interested can learn more in a nutshell. This special edition Fall episode may just be the shortest podcast heretofore on “The Positive Fantastic” podcast, but the content is well worth the mention.

This celebration gathering meets annually halfway between the Winter and the Spring; it’s a point of the earth’s calendar here in Northern California when we’re coming out of the dark and cold and starting to see the light again. Dropped in with a community of playful friends and willing adventurers, Gwen created this event out of a desire to bring forth the kind of gathering that she would like to attend: one in which everyone contributes their own medicine, their magic, to the mix. The celebration is an intimate, collective-led, love fest of possibility mixed with wonder. A very fine way indeed to cozy up, laugh a lot, and meet some conscious creatives in the Northern California community, I recommend it completely!

For more information about the gathering, you can check out Gwen’s website for Kundlight Productions.