

NaNoWriMo ecofiction author

If you’re a writer, you’ve probably heard of NaNoWriMo. If not, you probably have no idea what this acronym means. It stands for National Novel Writing Month, and although it’s a mouthful, it’s fun to say if you try it a few times. And it just so happens that November is upon us and the writers are going to be going at it full force for the next month!

I’m currently writing book 2 in my trilogy. I finished the draft of my first book in the trilogy and once I have finished these next two books, I can go back, re-edit everything, and start sending them off to my readers groups. If you’re interested in being a part of my reader groups before the books are released, please let me know.

I have tried to be a part of NaNoWriMo in the past, but this year I feel completely committed! This is really the first year since the wildfire that I actually will have the time and space to write. Until now I’ve been kept very busy rebuilding and homeschooling my son (Covid distance learning just didn’t quite do it for us, so I dropped in deep to make sure my kid was getting what he needed during the pandemic).

I’ve spent the last month or so really preparing myself to be home and writing every day. I’m a semi-nomadic adventurer and so the idea of not going anywhere for a whole month is somewhat novel in of itself. I think I will need the structure of routine to help me keep my disciplined writing practice going.

During the rest of the year I just jot down little ideas or writing prompts or characters that come to mind. But this NaNoWriMo I intend to really write my book every day. My book is going to become my very good friend, I hope. And with any luck, things will flow easily.

My first novel “Wildfire Weeds” was written over the course of several vacations with my lover at hot springs around Northern California, house-sitting in the hills of Mendocino County, and in stolen moments everywhere. This next trilogy is actually a book series that I have been working on in my mind for over five years. I’m thrilled to finally put the words onto paper and begin the process of getting these books out to you.

I think that everyone needs to read this trilogy that I am writing. It’s about how we can thrive as humans and never have we needed this message more! The image for this blog post is the top of my laptop computer. It’s a combination of two stickers: one I got from a festival in Joshua Tree that reads “Choose Love.” I have this sticker plastered over lots of my belongings, so I decided to edit this one with this new sticker that a dear one gifted me recently that read “Revolution by the Book.”

Here’s to choosing the Literary Revolution this November with NaNoWriMo!!!