Podcast Launch!

Podcast Launch!

Sparkle in the forest - The Positive Fantastic

I created a podcast called “The Positive Fantastic,” and I’m thrilled to announce my podcast launch this week! Tune in & let us take you on a storytelling journey into the realm of the cultural creatives. Search for “The Positive Fantastic Podcast” on your favorite listening platform, and the pilot is now available for your podcasting pleasure.

I want to create a new genre called “The Positive Fantastic.” For the last five years I’ve been sitting with this idea that we all need more stories about people getting along really well. We need literature to become available that tell the stories of human successes in finding balance, human cooperation with the world around us, and humanity thriving.

Too often we’re confronted with human conflict, drama, and failure in literature and in life. Daily, we are faced with a dire alarm sounding off about our modern existence and how we must make changes in order to sustain our lives on this planet. I love the Earth, and I feel that it is our collective calling at this time to show up with creative solutions to the very real problems we find ourselves navigating.

Against reason or logic, I am a perennial optimist, and I want to share my excitement about human potentiality in the hopes of fostering the creation of more art, music, and writing that addresses how we can be our most awesome version of ourselves. 

Since I finished my debut novel “Wildfire Weeds,” I have been writing a trilogy that I lovingly refer to as “The Positive Fantastic.” By hope: to write ecologically relevant creative & innovative fiction to bring environmental awareness to the fore. I set out to write these books as a love letter to the world, my love letter. Everybody has a different love letter, but this book series is mine.

We all need labors of love that help us to find our ways to contribute to society. We all need to situate ourselves in stories that matter to us, to find meaning in the chaos, to forge narratives where we are protagonists for the changes we want to see. This idea, to make space for a new telling of our tale, to emphasize our capabilities even if we’re living in the 11th hour, lights me up inside. 

That inner delight reminded me that I am here to embody the magic, to aspire towards my dreams, and to employ as much creativity as possible in my healing. I’m encouraged by this joyous inner faculty to share my much needed optimism with anyone who needs to hear good news, to be uplifted, to believe that healing change is a possibility for the world we live in.

We already know the bad news, that systemic oppression is robbing too many people of their chance to live their dreams. Our awakening to the changes we must make is way overdue in the largest arc of our human story. But in my small circles, where cultural creatives live and breathe the troubles of the earth in and exhale beautiful healing out, I see people who are living a life that is healing medicine for them.

I want to offer a platform to share stories about people finding their own light and shining in spite of the omnipresent conflicts that we must acknowledge. I don’t think we can ignore the problems anymore, but I do believe completely that we can do better. 

The Positive Fantastic is an invitation to brainstorm how best (from the vantage point we are currently living in) to solve the world’s problems. My writing uses fiction to accomplish this goal. My mission as a writer is to bring stories to life that are animated by the magic of possibility, infused with the wisdom of what I have lived in my experiences, and grounded in the sometimes harsh truth of the predicament we face as modern humans.

My podcast mission is to seek out the lived stories among my Northern California friends that have gems of wisdom to share with all of you —that you may be inspired, as I have been, by the inherent goodness and creative greatness that is truly our birthright.

This podcast uses the art of storytelling to allow us a peek into the discovered enthusiasms of real people who are playful with their hardships. The stories they spin will all be about how they are doing the work in their own lives to contribute to the tide turning —how they are addressing and transforming their troubles or the troubles of the world into art.

My hope is that these tales will help us to write a new non-fiction script that we can all feel empowered by. We are worthy of a Utopia that we can live in. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing the best that you can to show up, to grow up, and to sow the seeds of positive, fantastic change inside yourself. 

For more information, you can visit The Positive Fantastic Podcast page on my website.

You can also listen to the latest episode on Anchor or search for “The Positive Fantastic” on your preferred podcast platform.