Caretaker’s Garden

Caretaker’s Garden

Caretaker's Garden Apothecary shelves with Wildfire Weeds by Mori Natura

Completing my Book Launch Tour

I had the great pleasure of finishing my “Wildfire Weeds” book launch tour yesterday by visiting the Caretaker’s Garden & reading from my novel in Boonville, California. I gave a talk about homesteading journeys in Mendocino County and the local cannabis culture. While it is a pleasure to give a talk about my book and the topics that inspire me anytime, it was particularly satisfying to be speaking in a group of locally minded readers. Everyone expressed how thrilled they were that I was telling a positive narrative about the cannabis plant. Indeed, the characters and plot of my debut novel all explore a side of regenerative cannabis cultivation that aims to have environmental sustainability, local economies, and land-based livelihoods at the forefront.

California Healing Institute & Cannabis Therapy

The Caretaker’s Garden where I gave my talk happens to be home to a community apothecary and wellness center. Also, the location serves as a classroom for the California Healing Institute (CHI) specializing in Cannabis Therapy. I believe that the garden served as a very great setting indeed for my discussions of California’s ecology and cannabis cultivation. My book follows a week in the lives of farmers during the busy harvest season, and I appreciate that my book has been getting into the hands of local people during the exact time that I wrote about; there’s a serendipity afoot to the timing and placement of my efforts that eels both rewarding and so fitting.

End of the Book Tour, Beginning of so Much More!

While my initial book launch tour has reached an end, there are more events coming up this Fall. Check out my Events page to see the new events and happenings for the rest of 2019.

If you haven’t picked up your copy of “Wildfire Weeds” yet, may I suggest getting one to enjoy during your free time in October. There’s nothing like a seasonally relevant read, and this one has arrived just in time for the West Coast harvest season.

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