Living My Dreams of Being an Author

As I’m living my dreams these days of being an author, I’m learning to embrace the transitions in my life more –loving up the spaces in between yesterday and tomorrow, and reveling in what navigating today’s unfolding beauty feels like, looks like, and flows like…
This week I am sick and mostly operating from the comfort of my mom’s couch where my station on the world revolves around imbibing all the liquids all the live, long day. I have a lot of free time here where my cognitive synapses are slow to connect. Here, in the now of the illth, I meander between vulnerability and tenderness in a slow dance between fuzzy blankets and my bladder’s dictates on my perpetually flushing temple’s trips to the bathroom.
Too disjointed to do anything truly productive, too achy to move much, I have spent several days in calm reflection of what it means to be me, now –both in the acute sense of my flu and in the larger arc of my own narrative as an amazing human, living her dreams. And, surprisingly, I appreciate this awkward opportunity to integrate. Modern life, particularly the speed at which I choose to live my one precious life, doesn’t always offer as much synthesis between my theses as I would like.
So, I give thanks to the microbes that have decided to cohabitate with me this week, that I may know more deeply what I am moving through. Indeed, the universe often shakes my hand with some small sickness when I am too busy to slow down and take in the magnitude of the phenomenal life I am living.
I’ve directed a lot of my energy these past many moons to promoting and stepping into my author platform. I’m ecstatic to get back to the task of actually writing the books that want to come through me! I’ve cried a river of tears from heartbreak that have *finally* found their way out to the ocean; no longer a small rivulet, my salty honorings have gone back to the whole & I can release what was, to open more honestly to what (and who) is to come…
But perhaps most fundamental to my current healing journey is my move back to the land, and the rootedness of my being planted in Mendocino County again. A herd of goats just arrived, and for the first time in what feels like a very long nomadic time, I am gardening, homesteading, and witching once more.
Of course there are always many more steps to my future plans, and I’m never fully completed with my past… but from where I sit in this moment, I love both the transformation at hand and the promise of my possibilities knocking at my consciousness. I’m living my dreams friends, and that is surely the greatest gift amidst the chaos and drama of the world’s stage today.
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