Sacred Healing Music

Sacred Healing Music

Prema Love musical guest on The Positive Fantastic

I interviewed musician Prema Love about her sacred healing music for the sixth episode of “The Positive Fantastic” podcast. Prema just released her fourth album “Awaken to Divine Love.” She shared about her inspiration, journey, and vision for the music in our podcast interview.

This special Spring Equinox edition of the podcast comes full of beautiful music created by Prema Love. After working for over two years with her Grammy-nominated producer Ben Leinbach, love has made her newest album available on all digital platforms.

Prema Love has been singing and performing as her devoted path for many years. For more information about this talented musician, you can visit Prema’s website to be in touch with her/follow her on social media platforms.

As we were in discussions about how to do a distance podcast, Prema shared how she was on her way to go commune with some wild dolphins in Maui. I believe this epitomizes the kind of good news that I want to be sharing with the world. Prema’s energy and message are so powerful positive.

To hear about this fabulous woman and her mission to spread sacred healing music, listen to her some of her songs on my YouTube channel or tune into to our episode “Sacred Healing Music.”