School For Self Healing

School For Self Healing

Meir Schneider School of Self Healing

Meir Schneider developed his School For Self Healing in San Francisco, where he has been helping people to heal themselves from a wide range of difficult conditions. He is an internationally acclaimed self-help author and educator that I am grateful for the privilege to interview on “The Positive Fantastic” podcast.

I first encountered Meir Schneider’s writing several years ago when I was looking for more information about how to heal my eyesight naturally. I came upon his book “Vision for Life” at my local library, and was astonished to read his true life story about how he had been born with cataracts in his eyes and suffered several surgeries as a baby which further impaired his vision until he was declared legally blind in Israel. 

Meir spent many years of his life focused on the utmost priority of attaining better vision. And, not only did his effort pay off because Meir now has a California Driver’s license! That’s right, he can see well enough to drive! But, his perseverance in his own healing also resulted in his life long goal to support others in their own healing. Thus the founding of his School for Self Healing and his several books written on the subject of healing. 

When I was 12 years old, I suddenly lost my sight. I remember the moment that I was sitting in the back row of my 6th grade class when the teacher called on me to read the board, and suddenly I couldn’t see. I moved toward the front of the room until finally things popped into view, and I was a bit in shock that seemingly overnight my vision had disappeared. 

I didn’t know that it was possible to heal my vision. And, so, since then I have worn eyeglasses to see into the distance. But, at some point in my own journey, I encountered some resources about healing my eyes, and it opened up a whole new world for me. What if I didn’t have to wear glasses? What if I could still heal my eyes?

I have spent the majority of my life not knowing this was possible, but once I heard that there were options, I started to research any methods that I could get my hands on. And, while I was working my way through nutrition advice, Tibetan yogic eye exercises, and other techniques from the internet, I came upon Meir’s story. Here was someone who had overcome amazing adversity with focused attention and hard work.

I started doing some eye exercises. And, I found an optometrist who was sympathetic to my desires, which was honestly the hardest part. He agreed to lower my prescription to the lowest level that would still legally allow me to drive. And so, now I have lowered my prescription for my glasses four times. My eyes are probably better than they were when they first changed in middle school. 

I have not committed myself to a path of self healing with the gusto that Meir embraced his own journey to vision many years ago. But, I have become very inspired by his story. And, meeting him, I feel a renewed sense of conviction that not only can I heal, but if I put my attention to my goal, I will heal my eyes in time. 

I hope that hearing this interview with Meir Schneider will inspire you in your own healing journey to find ways to align yourself with your own path of becoming aware of what is possible for you. 

To contact Meir or learn more about his books and school offerings, you can go to his website. If you are local to the Bay Area, you can visit his school in San Francisco at 2218 48th Avenue, right next to the Pacific Ocean. Meir is offering an upcoming workshop in August at his School for Self Healing & registration is open now!