Spirit Full Woman

Spirit Full Woman

Feather Spirit Full Woman

I’m really excited about sharing this interview with Feather, “The Spirit Full Woman,” with you; both because I feel confident that some of you are going to want to hear what is shared here, and also because I am currently on a journey to becoming a more embodied woman myself, and so the subject matter is acutely on point. 

I think that we all, in our own personal ways, could benefit from dropping into bodies more deeply. As a bodyworker, I know that the stresses and strains of life tell a story in our physicality that we carry with us. Whenever we commit ourselves to the effort to get to know our own temples more, we are opening up a channel for healing to happen. 

Feather Rose is working with women to help bring them into their bodies with awareness, empowerment, and healing love. She offers classes and workshops that support this desire for healing in the world. 

I met Feather at the Dhyana Center in Sebastopol many years ago, and I have vivid memories of her sprinkling magic throughout my yoga teacher training there. Although the training was open to everybody, it happened that in our year, my class was all women.

There was a sisterhood kinda vibe going on. Feather was our yogini mom in many ways, helping us to feel safe. As an assistant, she would go around and help us make sure we were getting the asanas correctly aligned in our bodies. Sometimes she was herding cats, trying to get us out of the class on time, or back to class.

But most often, I remember her offering supportive words, guided meditations, sonic baths, and gentle encouragement for whatever anybody was working on (because while yoga teacher training is primarily about learning the practice of yoga, all kinds of emotions and experiences come up when people start really getting into their bodies).

She also offered up some information about her burgeoning practice as a women’s empowerment guide. In particular, I remember when she busted out some jade eggs for us to check out, sharing about how we can use them for helping to get or keep our yonis flexible and toned in all the right ways. I was the only one in the group that already had my own set of jade eggs, but I still always smile whenever the conversation in the room turns to our yonis and how we can be good to them. 

Feather shares more about the ancient jade egg practice in the interview you’re about to listen to. Additionally, she shares about other Daoist techniques, which I have heard referred to as Sexual Kung Fu in the past, but which she describes as Pelvic floor therapeutics to foster sensual joy.

Feather Rose in her studio

Feather’s gives a sneak peek into her offerings in classes and workshops too. She kindly elaborated on the topic of “Vulva Mapping” which, in my extensive overview of yoni-related practices I had yet to encounter, but have since become super intrigued by. 

Also, our Spirt full woman, Feather shares at length about a conversation she had with the planet Venus. And, the dialogue birthed a course for tracking our cycles and the celestial cycles: sacred geometry in tune with women’s bodies, that Feather is launching in 2022. 

For more information about Feather’s wonderful spirit filled offerings, you can listen to our full podcast episode or visit her website.