Tag: Mendocino County

Mendo Lake Food Hub Logo

The Food Hub

The Mendo Lake Food Hub is a network that connects farmers and the goods they produce with grateful consumers who want to partake in fresh, local, and nutritious food. In the final episode of the 3rd season of “The Positive Fantastic” podcast, I interviewed Haerah Baird, the Program Manager for NCO’s Mendo Lake Food Hub.…
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Blair Phillips on The Positive Fantastic

Earth Stewardship

We’re cruising into episode 19 of “The Positive Fantastic” podcast with Earth Stewardship on our hearts and minds. I arrived at Abuela Gardens and marveled that this conscious community and educational center is actually a very short distance from my own home as the crow flies. Enjoying the connection of being backyard neighbors, I walked the…
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Jessy Jane on The Positive Fantastic

Nature is Our Living Classroom

The 16th episode “Nature is Our Living Classroom” of The Positive Fantastic podcast features the subject of outdoor education.  As Covid closed schools throughout much of California and in other parts of the country, a desire for outdoor classrooms has been sparked like never before in our collective imagination. I really believe that nothing could…
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