Tag: The Positive Fantastic

Community Therapy with Kellyfish

Community Therapy

My guest on “The Positive Fantastic” Fall Equinox edition is one of my favorite human’s on planet Earth. Kelly McRee splits her time each year, enjoying a nomadic existence that I marvel at and hope to emulate at least once in my lifetime, by following Kelly around to have adventures in this wide world of…
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Alyra Rose Musical Alchemy

Musical Alchemy

Alyra Rose has been experimenting in the free range sonic playground of musical alchemy since she was a little girl. Whether she’s bringing spoken word poetry to musicality or looping sound over sung verses, she’s always brewing up some amazing lyricism to support us all becoming more embodied, whole humans. I was able to sing…
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Meir Schneider School of Self Healing

School For Self Healing

Meir Schneider developed his School For Self Healing in San Francisco, where he has been helping people to heal themselves from a wide range of difficult conditions. He is an internationally acclaimed self-help author and educator that I am grateful for the privilege to interview on “The Positive Fantastic” podcast. I first encountered Meir Schneider’s writing…
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Julia Green Barnyard Midwife

Barnyard Midwife

I came to visit Julia, the “Barnyard Midwife,” at her home once many years ago, and I was astounded by what I saw there. She had turned a rental property into a fully fledged farmstead. Such is her devotion to the craft that she made a farm happen even without her roots firmly planted. Since…
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Got Goats Family

Got Goats?

Got Goats?

Robin Burnside in Big Sur on The Positive Fantastic

Feed The People

“Feed The People” is the third episode in season two of “The Positive Fantastic” podcast. My friend Robin Burnside is a woman who was devoted her life to culinary arts. Everywhere she goes, she leaves happy, nourished people in her wake. Join us as we take a dive into the deep waters of Robin’s abiding…
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Lauren Sinnott Mural The Positive Fantastic

History Speaks in Art

“History Speaks in Art” is an episode interview with artist Lauren Sinnott about her recently finished Ukiah History Mural for “The Positive Fantastic” podcast. I travelled to the small coastal town of Point Arena to join the artist in her home, surrounded by countless works of her art, to discuss her latest and most impressive…
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The Forest People on The Positive Fantastic

The Forest People

Welcome to the second season of “The Positive Fantastic” podcast with an episode interviewing The Forest People. In 2022, I’m going to continue bringing you interviews with interesting folks doing awesome things in the world. My focus will still be mainly on Northern California with some forays out into the wide world. In addition, I’m…
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The Positive Fantastic Podcast Logo

Season Two Is Coming

Season Two is coming out tomorrow! I’m so excited to release more episodes of “The Positive Fantastic” podcast. It’s been such a fun journey to collaborate with some many amazing people to bring you some fabulous content about how humans can thrive in diverse ways. In Season one we got to look at artists, farmers,…
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Alice D Nature As Muse

Nature As Muse

In “Nature As Muse” on “The Positive Fantastic” podcast, I discuss with musical guest Alice Dimicele about her lifetime of letting song have its way with her. She shares about her singer-songwriter journey and the many albums she’s released along the way. With Nature as her muse, several of Alice’s original songs are featured in…
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