Tag: weed

Molly Hildenbrand, creator of Be Rooted Botanicals

Be Rooted Botanicals

For this season two celebration of 4/20, I’m shining the spotlight on CBDs with my friend Molly Hildenbrand’s business “Be Rooted Botanicals.” Being the creatrix of my own podcast, I get to decide when I’m going to release episodes. This is the second year in a row that I’m excited to add an extra special…
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"Wildfire Weeds" released

“Wildfire Weeds” Released!

September 1st, 2019 marked the official release of “Wildfire Weeds” to bookstores nationwide! Please join me in celebrating this exciting time by picking up a book now! You can now purchase the paperback version directly from Amazon.com & the ebook version is also available on Kindle Unlimited. Summary for the Curious Reader Willow and Spruce…
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