Tag: wildfire weeds

Molly Hildenbrand, creator of Be Rooted Botanicals

Be Rooted Botanicals

For this season two celebration of 4/20, I’m shining the spotlight on CBDs with my friend Molly Hildenbrand’s business “Be Rooted Botanicals.” Being the creatrix of my own podcast, I get to decide when I’m going to release episodes. This is the second year in a row that I’m excited to add an extra special…
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Little Free Library with Wildfire Weeds copy

Little Free Library

For the past several months, I decided that I needed to dive into the little free library world. Libraries in general are some of my favorite places to be, and I got excited about exploring the different library designs. I have every intention of building my own little free library some day soon, and so…
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Friends with "Wildfire Woods"

First Cannabis Farmer’s Market

I heard a rumor about the first cannabis farmer’s market happening in Laytonville. I contacted my dear friend Amber O’Neill, who I interviewed for “The Positive Fantastic” podcast in the episode “Another Day in Paradise.” She confirmed that Happy Day Farms would be part of the event, and I decided to make the trek up…
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“Wildfire Weeds” with Wildfire Reflections

Wildfires I woke up to a firestorm lighting the sky at 1 a.m. in October 2017 with the urgent news that we had to evacuate because of wildfires at once. After throwing on some clothes I attempted to gather up some important items to take with me to no avail; my child starting shouting, panicked,…
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