The Ceres Community Project

The Ceres Community Project

The Ceres Community Project on The Positive Fantastic

The Ceres Community Project exists at the intersection of food rights and youth empowerment. This 18th episode of “The Positive Fantastic” podcast explores how this amazing non-profit org has been structured to create a sustainable model in support of healthy community. 

Through volunteering activism, nourishing meals, and education about nutrition and gardening, episode 18 hits a really sweet spot in our collective yearning for goodness. I interviewed the communications director of the organization, Deborah Ramelli, who explained in depth just how powerful the Ceres Community Project is as a grass roots entity striving to make healing change tangible in the local community. 

While I have aimed to create episodes that share something wonderful about the world, the Ceres Community Project really fits the model of  the “good news” that I have been hoping to achieve with “The Positive Fantastic” podcast. 

I visited the Ceres Community Project garden where food is grown organically to support the healthy meals program. I then also got to tour the kitchen facilities where teenagers prepare the food. 

At the kitchen, the operating principles were hanging from the ceiling on banners. One read “Young People are the Future: young people are intelligent, responsible, capable, creative, and caring, and must be central participants in shaping our collective future.” 

Another expressed. , “Equitable, Diverse, and Inclusive: we commit to championing policies and practices of social equity that build a diverse, inclusive, and healthy workplace and food system.” 

My personal favorite proclaimed “Heart Centered and Love Guided: we are committed to expressing love, trust, respect, and integrity in our lives, work, and organization.” 

And finally, “Everything Matters: nothing is left out; we work to have every action and choice lead to the greatest possible impact.” 

I highly recommend that you tune in to hear about how this project has been structured, how the model can be shared, and how you can get involved to further the mission of fostering access to health giving foods in your community. 

The Ceres Community Project was founded in Northern California to help those that are in need due to an illness.

You can contact the Ceres Project for more information about how to sign up for the meal program or to volunteer for the kitchen and gardens. You can visit their website and explore their offerings and upcoming classes.

You can follow the handle @cerescommunityproject on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook

Or you can contact the project directly by emailing them at or call (707) 829-5833