We all need good news and “The Positive Fantastic” podcast is here to deliver interviews that uplift, inspire, and entertain! I created a podcast designed to bring more voices to the table to discuss the solutions to the problems we are collectively facing. This podcast is my love letter to the world and I am so pleased to bring forth this offering at this time.
Using the art of storytelling, I am exploring dialogues with cultural creatives who are living the change they want to be in the world. My desire is to bring these narratives to the fore, highlighting the way that we can be creative stewards to the modern difficulties we are asked to navigate.
Every new moon and full moon, I will be publishing an episode for your listening enjoyment. There are also special edition episodes for the equinoxes and solstices. Launched in January 2021, “The Positive Fantastic” aims to deliver a refreshing perspective on how to thrive.
“The Positive Fantastic” is available on your favorite podcast listening platforms & I hope you will enjoy tuning in to the stories we’ve woven for you.
Listen to “The Positive Fantastic” Podcast
Also available on Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts and other Podcast listening platforms. If you don’t see “The Positive Fantastic” on a podcast listening platform that you prefer, please request that it be added or let me know!
Season 4 of “The Positive Fantastic” Podcast in 2024
Episode 7, Season 4: “Colibri Journeys” features Laurie Bella, eco-conscious tour guide for Culturally Immersive experiences in Latin America.
Episode 6, Season 4: “California Naturalist” features Jen Riddell and Hannah Bird discussing the California Naturalist Program through the University of California.
Episode 5, Season 4: “M.A.S.H.H.” features herbalist Greta de la Montagne sharing about herbal resiliency for activism, large gatherings, and overall well-being.
Episode 4, Season 4: “Urban Homesteading” features author Rachel Kaplan (who wrote a book by the same name), nurturing my ambition to create an “urban homestead” in my yard in town
Episode 3, Season 4: “Sir Cobalot” features Miguel Elliot of Living Earth Structures, exploring the ways we can use cob in creative and resourceful ways
Episode 2, Season 4: “Descriptive Inquiry” features Stephane Barile describing this important non-evaluative resource for educators to help their learners learn
Episode 1, Season 4: “Hera Has a Heart” features musical guest for Season 4, Jessi Lea about her journey as a creative artist
Season 3 of “The Positive Fantastic” Podcast in 2023
Episode 13, Season 3: “The Food Hub” discusses the need for resilient, local food systems with NCO’s Mendo Lake Food Hub Project Manager Haerah Baird
Episode 12, Season 3: “Art Salon” shows artist Gaetan Caron on his path as an art creator, art curator, and art adventurer!
Episode 11, Season 3: “Medicine Basket” is part 2 of the “Navigating Kundalini” with Gwen Jensen, from season 1 of the show, about a delicious gathering in Northern California, held annually in February!
Episode 10, Season 3: “Going Flat” features breast cancer survivor Molly Rinaldi who describes the medical procedure “aesthetic flat closure” after a mastectomy
Episode 9, Season 3: “Happy Brain” features author Loretta Breuning sharing about the chemicals that shape our brains and how we can work to use this information to our benefit
Episode 8, Season 3: “The Positive Fantastic Soundtrack” showcases the musical storytelling and song spinning from the guests on the podcast! Tune in for a musical ride through the seasons!
Episode 7, Season 3: “Remembering Daniel” is a special edition podcast honoring the passing of my partner Daniel Treadwell Frey, remembered by myself, family, friends, and through his songs
Episode 6, Season 3: “Melissa Musings” with Hope Bee about protecting the noble honey bee and what to be aware of when you support your local beekeepers
Episode 5, Season 3: “Flower Power” with Julie Rothman about the art and craft of making bulk herbal tea blends for health and well being.
Episode 4, Season 3: “Healing Tide” with Tanya Stiller, tidal tender, ocean educator, and seaweed advocate about how we can help heal the intertidal zones and be healed by them.
Episode 3, Season 3: “Fantastic Friendship” with my best friend, Melanya Gonshorowski about our platonic love story to honor non-romantic love for Valentine’s Day
Episode 2, Season 3: “Nature As Muse” with singer/songwriter Alice Di Micele about the way nature shapes her music & how she’s a featured musician in Season 3 of “The Positive Fantastic” podcast!
Episode 1, Season 3: “Vital Cycles” with permaculture teachers Lydia Neilson and Anne Freiwald about connecting to ourselves, the earth, and the ways we can help save the planet
Season 2 of “The Positive Fantastic” Podcast in 2022
Episode 30, Season 2: “Assemblage: Creating a Living Canvas” with artist and author Esther Siegel about her creative path and new book about Northern California’s assemblage artists
Episode 29, Season 2: “Old Tech, New Tech, You Tech, Through Tech” with Joybi Joyner about the balance act of living as modern humans, integrating technology in meaningful ways
Episode 28, Season 2: “Bring Back the Beaver!” with Kate Lundquist about the North American beavers and how they are amazing stewards of the environment
Episode 27, Season 2: “The Real Sarahs” with musical artists Sarah Songbird and Sarah Ryan about how music heals and their new album coming out asap!
Episode 26, Season 2: “A Magickal Life” with author Jamie Della about weaving words for Wiccan practitioners and her Xicana roots that have influenced her life as a writer
Episode 25, Season 2: “Inextricably Intertwined” with Meghan-Walla Murphy about animal tracking and the evolution of the environment
Episode 24, Season 2: “Sovereignty By Design” with Maggie Ostara about the Human design system and how we can thrive
Episode 23, Season 2: “Community Therapy” with Kelly McRee about healing our grief with support from the people we love
Episode 22, Season 2: “Spirit Full Woman” with Feather Rose Marie about how we become more embodied
Episode 21, Season 2: “Home Birth For Every Body” with Gloria Gonzales about better birth outcomes with midwifery care and the services midwives provide for birthing people
Episode 20, Season 2: “Northern California Women’s Herbal Symposium” with Terri Jensen on the foundations of bringing women and herbs together to gather in community for over thirty years
Episode 19, Season 2: “Musical Alchemy” with Alyra Rose on her acoustic adventures throughout her life
Episode 18, Season 2: “The Chicktionary” with Kym Trippsmith and Ma Sherry Glaser about their little green book, Mama’s First Pocket Chicktionary
Episode 17, Season 2: “Loving Animal Care” with Kelly Costa, an episode for animal lovers everywhere about caring for our pets
Episode 16, Season 2: “School for Self Healing” with Meir Schneider, acclaimed self help author, about how you can heal yourself, San Francisco, California
Episode 15, Season 2: “Engaging with Life” with Michelle Vesser sharing about how to return to presence amidst whatever life brings in Sebastopol, California

Episode 14, Season 2: “Heart of Health” with Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner Luna Hart who shares how you can restore your vitality, wellness, and excellent health in Willits, California
Episode 13, Season 2: “Reclaim Your Voice” with singer/songwriter Lauren Arrow about letting your song come through you in Occidental, California
Episode 12, Season 2: “Trauma Informed Friendships” with author Jen(ny) Dalton about how we can heal from the paradigm of bullying and the book she wrote to support that healing in Ukiah, California
Episode 11, Season 2: “Food As Medicine” with Mary Sheila Gonnella of Occidental Nutrition about how to heal our guts with presence, foods prepared with love, and excellent nourishment in Occidental, California
Episode 10, Season 2: “Be Rooted Botanicals” with Molly Hildenbrand, founder of a women owned and operated CBD topical medicinals line in Felton, California
Episode 9, Season 2: “Barnyard Midwife” with Julia Green who offers farm consultations to help support people starting their own sustainable farm systems in West Sonoma County, California
Episode 8, Season 2: “Paleotechnics” with Tamara Wilder about the ancestral life skills we all want and need to learn
Episode 7, Season 2: “Matriarchal Gift Economy of the Ancient Future” with Yeshe Matthews about the magic that connects us all
Episode 6, Season 2: “Got Goats” brings two goat women (Jenava Van Pelt and Mori Natura) together to discuss what you need to know about raising a herd of goats
Episode 5, Season 2: “Feed the People” dives into Robin Burnside’s lifelong gift of good food and all the many places she’s prepared deliciousness
Episode 4, Season 2: “The Art of Drag” follows the process of Kimber Holmes, male illusionist, becoming the persona “Max Manchester” step by glorious drag step

Episode 3, Season 2: “History Speaks in Art” explores the recent Ukiah Valley Mural Project which artist Lauren Sinnott completed, depicting the Ukiah area’s past, present, and future
Episode 2, Season 2: “Mushroom Cultivation” is the first City Mouse, Country Mouse episode in which I discuss the practice of how to grow shiitake mushrooms on oak logs with my friend Liza Scully.
Episode 1, Season 2: “The Forest People” with Matthew and Lama who have devoted themselves to sustainable myco-agriculture adventures cultivating oysters, reishi, and partnering with shiitake growers in the forests of Mendocino County.
Season 1 of “The Positive Fantastic” Podcast in 2021
Episode 24: “Frey Family Vineyards” with Katrina Frey about the green business at Frey Winery, the first organic and first biodynamic winery in the country. *Also the Season Finale of “The Positive Fantastic” Podcast!
Episode 23: “Sonoma Enlivened: Kefir Probiotics” with Deana Dennard about her local, sustainable probiotic soda, family business.
Episode 22: “Regeneration with Hugels” with Josh Khankhanian of Moon Gazer Farms about using hügelkultur raised beds in your home or commercial farm/garden.

Episode 21: “This is Yoga” with yogini Tirza Dawn on the roots of yogic connection.
Episode 20: “Heart Synchrony” with psychologist Dorothy Mandel on how to connect more from the heart.
Episode 19: “Earth Stewardship” with Blair Phillips of Abuela Gardens about a series of Natural Building workshops happening in Mendocino County.
Episode 18: “Ceres Community Project” with Deborah Ramelli; this fabulous non-profit organization pairs teenage empowerment in the kitchen and garden with families in need of healing nourishment.
Episode 17: “Herbal Connections, Yo” with Keoma McCaffrey of the Central Valley Herbal Studies program; creating sisterhood, plant connections, and the healing art of tea time.
Episode 16: “Nature is Our Living Classroom” with Jessy Jane; adventure in the outdoors & awaken your inner pre-schooler capacities for creative play, imagination, and learning.
Episode 15: “Mosaic Guru Goddess Queen” with Elizabeth Raybee; take an artistic journey into the fabulous and accessible medium of mosaics.
Episode 14: “Navigating Kundalini Energy (Part 1)” with Gwen Jensen dives into the kundalini awakening, opening, and experiencing energetics & the profound implications for human consciousness
Episode 13: “Quantum Level Health” explores the ways that we can choose and choose again when it comes to our healing with Naturopath Claudia Wenning.
Episode 12: “Legalize Tiny Homes!” features the tiny house lady, Lindsey Wood, as we talk about the much buzzed about topic of living tiny.
Episode 11: “Through the Eyes of the Disabled” lends a much needed ear to young disability rights advocate Athena Weathers as she tackles ableism in our society.
Episode 10: “An Orchard Community” plants you in a fruit orchard with several hundred trees bearing delicious fruits and a wild herd of ponies that graze the understory.
Episode 9: “Another Day in Paradise” follows the O’Neills at HappyDay Farms in Laytonville as a special 420 edition of the podcast. Learn great success tips from cannabis and veggie farmers who are living the Mendonesian dream.
Episode 8: “Love Mischief” explores the notion of a sharetocracy with Humboldt County poet Kristy Hellum. Hellum recites several of her poems from her book “Lifted: Comeback Poetry for a Needed Time” while weaving a conversation about creativity, grieving, and rejuvenation.
Episode 7: “Health Education For Everyone” dives in with DeAnna Batdorff of the Dhyana Center about the need for accessible health care and education. Honoring self care, DeAnna and I discuss using a gua sha tool for lympathic massage to keep the Ayurvedic “rivers of life” (lymph) flowing.
Episode 6: “Sacred Healing Music” is an acoustic journey with musician Prema Love. This special Spring Equinox episode features several new songs from Love’s newly released album “Awaken to Divine Love” & describes her artistic process in creating her offerings.
Episode 5: “Magical Marijuana” features Wendy Read of The Caretaker’s Garden Healing Sanctuary and Apothecary, articulating the ways that herbal medicine has important implications for the prevention and treatment of Covid.

Episode 4: “21st Century Self Health Care” features Vicchi Oleski, founder of the Sonoma County Healing Academy as she launches her feelHEAL line of medicinals to support individuals on their personal healing journeys.
Episode 3: “Playing the Game of Life” features a dialogue with theatrical genius Sherry Glaser. We discuss Glaser’s her-story creating live performances and then dive into her work with improv to become embodied and whole.
Episode 2: “Join the Pants Revolution” features Anna Birkás, founder of Chickfly, discussing the way that she has merged fashion with ecology and feminism to create pants that are going to change the world.

Episode 1: “Music is the Medicine” features an interview with singer/songwriter Copperwoman about her journey with creativity and sound.
“We all deserve to thrive. This podcast aims to support us as we each find out way.”
-Mori Natura, creatrix of The Positive Fantastic podcast & eco-fiction author