The Real Sarahs

The Real Sarahs

The Real Sarahs

My next guests on “The Positive Fantastic” podcast are Sarah Ryan and Sarah songbird, the two talented vocalists who make up The Real Sarahs duet. These two women are long time friends who I have had the privilege of hearing perform their musical sweetness many times in formal and informal settings. 

Sarah Ryan and Sarah Songbird

These two discuss how their band started at a school of herbalism up in the hills of Mendocino County. That’s actually where I really got to be close to both the Sarahs myself. We also laughed about their band name, “The Real Sarahs” and how some Sarah’s spell their name without the letter ‘H’ at the end. Their quippy tagline is “all Sara(h)s are real.”

The Real Sarahs Live Music Video

To record this podcast, we all met up at Sarah Ryan’s house in Boonville, California on a lazy summer evening. We caught up on each others lives, the adventures we’ve been up to this year, and talked story while sharing a meal together.

Covid SIP Performance

Sarah Songbird busted out a guitar and those musical women started singing sweet harmonies with me sitting in the middle of them. A mini private concert in exchange for a podcast, yes please! The first song, called “Plant Lady” was performed the day we recorded the podcast, and I included it, as an acoustic, live version of a very, very beautiful lil’ song. 

The Sarahs have been working on a new album project with local legend Alex DiGrassi, that they’ll reveal more about in this interview. They share about their journey through difficulties and healings, with the music continuing to bring them together in lovely, meaningful, and wonderfully musical ways. 

The Real Sarahs

The Real Sarahs are hoping to debut songs off the album in 2023; but, we got to include some live renditions of a couple new songs on the podcast episode! Tune in and enjoy!